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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

♥ It's like...

I find that describing myself, is rather like trying to describe colours to a blind person, like- finding words that rhyme with orange, or explaining why the world is round. So practically impossible.
It is so incredibly difficult to pinpoint exactly WHO you are, and WHAT you are doing here.
Who are you?
Simple, I am Cassie.
Complex, who is Cassie.
When I think about it, I start to contemplate who I really am? describe yourself in one word, I swear its not possible.
We are multi faceted beings, with a million different sides, colours, shapes and angles (did I just compare people to shapes? Possibly..)
I can even confuse myself, infact I do it on a regular basis almost like a hobby.
Overthinking-something I am good at.
So in my over thinking state that I am in now, I am going to tell you a few things that most people probably don't know about me.

-No matter how hard I try, I will never be happy with the way I look.
-My phone, is sticky taped together because I am incapable of being coordinated.
-I don't usually get to sleep until after 3am.
-When I was little, my favourite game was dress ups- Its still my favourite.
-I will probably never be a cleanly person, it is not in my nature.
-I want to write, but I have only ever finished one story.
-I drink everything through a straw, because I am protective of my teeth
-I worked as a check-out chick and have thus lost all faith in humanity.
-When I am under stress, my nails break.
-I don't know whether my eyes are grey, or green.
-I am most frightened of failure.
-I feel most at home on the stage, which is basically saying that I feel most myself, when I am pretending to be someone else. Try figure that one out.

I am probably going to spend the rest of my life playing dress up, and playing pretend, every little girls dream? Right?

2:51 AM
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Monday, January 12, 2009

♥ I like making lists.

Recently my friend Kayla and I bonded over a mutual affinity for making lists...
I love making lists about practically everything, it makes me feel.. organised. I am one of THE least organised people on the planet, my room is always a mess even when i try to keep it clean, I always leave assignments until the day before they are due, it's just what I do.
But i love making lists, infact i often make "to do" lists..... I never end up doing what is on said lists but it is the making process that I enjoy most.

Here is my current Likes and Dislikes list :)

Dislikes :(

1. The adds on Tv that say that you are "unaustralian" if you don't eat lamb.
2. When the Tea Bag breaks and the leave go all through your tea.
3. People who use REALLY bad grammar and spelling online, cause they can't be bothered.
4. Snooping parents.
5. The current war between Palestine and Iran
6. When I forget what I am doing.. (it happens alot)
7. The heat!
8. The fact that my phone is broken.. CRY

Likes :)

1. Folie a Duex, New Fall Out boy album.. (don't care if you hate them Rachael..)
2. Sari- My new puppy niece. (belongs to my cousins)
3. Palmers Cocoa Butter
4. Spending time with my Daddy
5. Having aircondioning.
6. Facebook
7. Community Channel
8. Jodi Picoult books.
9. Making lists
10. Having entered 'storm the stage' for 2009 :)

And thats me for today, Stay safe :) <3

6:22 PM
0 commented

Friday, December 26, 2008

♥ Intelligence IS sexy!

Hello again once more, I trust you all had a very merry and safe christmas this year.

Recently, following on from my previous post about "Nerdishness" (No, it's not a word, but I like it!) I have become facinated by Etymology and Speech Pathology. I came across a Youtube Channel Hotforwords, the name of the woman in question is "Marina". She is a philologist, for those of you who don't know, a philologist is a person who studies the origins of words (etymology) and linguistics. (being very technical today aren't I?)
Anyway getting back to it, she makes videos that are informative as well as entertaining about the origins of words requesting by her viewers. She epitomises the term 'Intelligence is sexy' being a very beautiful as well as intellegent woman. I Love anything that empowers women, that celebrates beauty, intelligence and power in females, so I thought I'd just give a mention to Hotforwords, and hope that you all check her out :)

Oh and I'd also like to post a congratulations to my mum, who just finished her Psychology degree at Curtin University, and also for being accepted into Masters (so she can become a specialist in her selected field of psychology).

Stay safe,
Cass ox

11:38 PM
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Monday, November 17, 2008

♥ Unleashing my inner nerd.

Hello Hello.
Well it has been quite a time since my last post on this prestigious of blogs (cough cough).
So i gathered, but such is life.

Today my topic of blogging is my "inner nerd".
Infact, it's not really even my inner nerd, just my being nerdish in general.
Firstly, I read books. I love books, my booshelves are overflowing. I find it rather sad that the majority of people my age, crinkle their noses at the though of reading and say things along the lines of "eww, reading is for losers".
Well, they can't come crying to me when they don't graduate because they didn't pass english, then end up working at Mcdonalds until they are 40 with 5 children each to different partners and a mortgage larger than they will ever be able to pay. (I tend to get carried away alot, sorry about that).

OH and currently I am stuck on the 'Twilight' series by Stephanie Meyer, BRILLIANT series about Vampires, Werewolves and Romance, very easy to read I recomend it to everyone.

Secondly, I am rather picky about GRAMMAR and the internet.
I absolutely abhor 'netspeak'

omg lols, lyk itz so kewl, coz i abriv8 evrythin coz i cnt be fked typn propr.

FUCKING LEARN TO SPELL, seriously, it is not that hard to type those few extra letters, then that way the person you are trying to hold a conversation with doesn't have to spend ten minutes trying to decipher what the hell you are trying to say.

Thirdly, I enjoy reading and learning shakespeare just because I can.
Infact in december I have an Audition for Romeo and Juliet (auditioning to be Juliet of course) which I am throughly excited about, infact beyond excited.
For those of you who don't know, acting and singing are my life. Earlier this year I played Eliza in My Fair Lady at my highschool. (getting a bit off topic here i know, but i am excited)

It is 2.15am on a monday morning, I have school in (counts) 6 and a quater hours. But I am here, blogging, maybe i should get a life.
Actually, a life... or a holiday would be really nice at the moment.
Currently I am playing the role of 'Louisa' in the Sound Of Music at my Local theatre, we have so far played three shows, the next is on wednesday, while I love being onstage, it is tiring and time consuming. With all the rehearsing etc I seem to have forgotten about my vast amount of homework and assignments that sit on my desk untouched and I realise that they are due or overdue.
Also, my exams commence next week.
Double shit.

Sleep is probably a good idea.
Goodnight guys.
Stay safe, and sweet dreams.

2:04 AM
0 commented

Monday, May 19, 2008


Well Hello my incredibly faithful readers
(incase you didn't pick that up, it was SARCASM. cause NOBODY READS THIS)
Too Bloody bad isn't it.
And then I wonder, why I still write, on here.
I don't know, honestly.
Maybe i am just a sad, sad person.
Or possibly, i just like to write
or MAYBE I just like to THINK that people read this
so i don't feel so desperately loney, and incredibly low in the self esteem department
HAH enough on that for the minute.

Have you ever really sat down, and thought about what you make of life.
I mean, seriously. how many of us, spend out lives complaining about absolutely everything.

Oh, my boyfriend/girlfriend of two weeks dumped me,
I think I might go slice myself open now

Oh cry, my parents split up when i was five and i am now using that as an excuse for everything that goes wrong in my pathetic life

Oh waa waa, I am obease and ugly and everybody teases me about it
and there is no need to tell me i am a horrible person,
God do i know it.

I work in woolworths right, as i have mentioned before. and every sunday
a woman comes in, i don't know her name, but i would recognise her a mile away.
Her elbows, HAVE ELBOWS. Her arms and legs are like great hairy hams,
and she stops every 5 steps to catch her breath and wipe the perspiration from her forehead, panting like a dog on the run.
Then she travels down the aisle which contains both the vegetables and the confectionary
and i ask you. Who puts FRUIT AND VEG in the SAME AISLE as chocolates and lollies.
that practically ENCOURAGING obeasity.
and some days i feel like just saying to this woman
you see those green leafy things, across from the Sweets,
their called v-e-g-e-t-a-b-l-e-s you should try them some day!

Enough on that topic, although i could go on for hours
and really i do not have anything truly against overweight people, i have many overweight friends
and they are lovely people. But i do wonder how on earth someone could let themselves get to that stage,
and still keep walking round the streets....

And thats QUITE enough from Cassie for one day.
:) Bye Bye guys.

11:09 PM
0 commented

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Well, I open this blog everyday and say to myself.
Okay, tonight i will put a new post up! And i have some brilliant thoughts in my head, on which to write about. Pssht.. never happens.

I am an increbibly lazy person. Well, I am in some senses. I do go to work & school five days a week, A truly lazy person would not work.
I am lazy in the sense that I leave assignments and essays until the day before they are due,
I never clean my room, I was suprised to disover that actually have Carpet !!! *shock horror*
I'm not the sort of lazy person who sits on their arse all day, growing steadily plump whilst stufing their face on potato crips and the like.
in conclusion their are two types of lazy.. Lazy (me) and LAZY lazy !!

[Have you ever noticed that when trying to explain something to a person... you don't explain.. but repeat the word twice, and more loudly ] Here is an example for you:

Person one: Do you like her?
Person two: She is nice, and a good friend
Person one: No, do you LIKE her, like her !!!!
(really sounds quite stupid when you think about it doesn't it)

AAAANWAYS, enough random babbling.
even though, random babbling is basically all this blog consists of
I do wonder on a regular basis if anyone actually READS this.. (if you do be sure to let me know)

I am now on holidays.. well holidays from school. They haven't been very exciting holidays so far, they have consisted of working.. working.. more working
OH and did i mention working??
I work at woolworths, in kelmscott (most of you probobly have no idea where in the world that is... But that is a good thing) Kelmscott is very seedy (for those of you who don't know.. seedy means basically along the same lines as: dodgy, edgy, disturbing, suss, ...et cetera)
Back to my point..
what was my point..??
OH YES, i work at woolies, as a checkout operator
i really do pity us checkout persons, some angry shoppers seem to have taken a liking to letting out pent-up agression on us.. it is very very unpleasant, sometime you just feel like screaming (" I will pack your crap into your bags however the hell it want to pack it ALRIGHT BUDDY")
.. I have anger issues.

this has been a very very long post.
I am pretty sure that anybody insane enough to have read this.. must be wondering if there is any point at all to this post.
and i will tell you right now,
there is no point,
No moral,
No storyline.
I am just bored.....
I have a very sad life.

1:22 AM
2 commented

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Well, I noticed that I hadn't posted anything in a while so I thought that I should !!
My blog is one of my 5 homepages, i look at it everyday and think... Hmm i really should post something... I am so unmotivated...

First off, I had my SECOND job interview for woolworths yesterday, which was pretty exciting,
appart from the horrible interview dress attire.. I find it so stupid that you have to dress yourself up and act all 'corporate' when you have a job interview. Personally, i belive that the company should not care how you look, they should just accept you for who you are.
We live in such a judgemental world.

ANYWAYS.. I got the job *Hurrah* I start on saturday, with an induction (at 8 am.. eugh)
Pay is pretty dodgy, but hey, it's better than having no money at all :D.

I Got the news last week that my singing teacher isn't coming back to teach my class at school next year.
It was a real blow to me, cause she and I get along really well, and she has helped me a whole bunch, to advance with my singing. It is going to be really sad when she leaves.
I really hate it when people leave, i know people come and go in your life, but especially people who are just special, Nikki really is and i have really appreciated all the help she has given me.

and thats all that i can think of to write about at present :)
I'm sure i will have a sudden stroke of inspiration, and write something more later
Ciao, stay safe

8:43 PM
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♥ Cass Kidd ;
